These days people identify themselves as “spiritual” because of a very wide range of beliefs. Some work at getting in touch with the spirit who lives inside them. Others embrace elements of native American religion or practice Buddhism. With so many options, it seems reasonable to adopt the popular idea that any religion will eventually get you into heaven after you die. But is that assumption true? Is one religion better than all the others? How can a person know which religion is true? Is it possible to know God?
Biblical Christianity is Exclusive
If you look at the foundational beliefs of the most prevalent religions in the world today, you will find that there are two basic groups: Most religions require a person to be a certain way or do certain things in order to please a supreme being. There are guidelines and rules one must adhere to in order to be accepted. In most of these belief systems you are encouraged to be a good, kind, sociable person. You should not be cruel, greedy, or dishonest. Ironically, these various religions teach that the only “sin” is to be intolerant of the beliefs of others.
But, one religion firmly proclaims that all other religious systems are false and it is true. Biblical Christianity says there is only one God. It also states that you can only relate to him through his Son Jesus Christ. Jesus answered the question, “Which religion is true?” He said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:10). No other religion is this demanding or exclusive.
The Resurrection Proves Biblical Christianity is True
In his exclusivity, the God of the Bible draws a line in the sand that separates him from all other gods. He proved his deity through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. Although He was born as a human being, He lived a perfect life. He performed miracles and fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies. But while he was still a young man, the religious leaders of the time had him crucified.
If Jesus’ death was the end of the story, we would have no real hope. This religion would be just like all the others that were begun by great men. We might as well be a Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, or animist. But Jesus came back to life without anyone else saying or doing anything. Among the many people who saw Jesus after his resurrection were his disciples Matthew, Mark, and John. They wrote eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. So we know that Jesus is the only “holy man” in the history of the world who didn’t stay dead.
Jesus is not a counterfeit god. A counterfeit $20 bill can fool lots of people. But eventually it will be recognized by a person who notices the absence of the security stripe. Jesus’ resurrection serves as the security stripe for the person seeking to know which religion is true. It marks Christianity as authentic and proves that the Bible is true. Jesus died to pay the penalty we owe God because of our sins. He rose from the grave to prove he is God. When a person believes in Jesus for salvation, we become God’s beloved children. And we have total confidence that we will live eternally with him, starting now and continuing in heaven forever.
Other Resources
- Group Publishing and Christian Endeavor have used my writings for their Youth Bible Studies.
- Check out my blog entitled “Who can I trust?”