My Passion

Living for God’s Glory is my Passion

The Need for a Spiritual Survival Kit

Living for God’s glory is the only way I can survive physically, emotionally and spiritually.  I have a wilderness survival kit. It contains items I need in order to signal for help and live for a short time in a wilderness situation.

Living for God's Glory requires a spiritual survival Kit. This is a photo of a wilderness survival kit and its' 15 contents, illustrating most of the things a person needs to survive in the wilderness..
Wilderness Survival Kit

But I need more than matches, whistle, mirror, and space blanket to make it safely through life in the world. Sorrow, stress, sickness, and pride prey on my emotional and spiritual well-being every day. So, I live and thrive only because of God’s Lavish-Grace. He is my ever-present wilderness guide and source of supply. In him, I have no fear. 

God IS Glorious

God's glory is visually revealed in this photo of a double rainbow in Canyonlands National Park
Double Canyonlands Rainbow

I count on God because he is absolutely glorious in every way. For example, he is good to the nth degree, so I can trust him. I see his power and intelligence in the universe he created, and controls. And, he demonstrated the dept of his love by sending his Son Jesus to die for my sins. By his Lavish-Grace, God saved me and is making me into an increasingly effective reflector of his own glory and goodness. And when I no longer live on the earth, I will spend eternity worshiping him.

I Survive Because of God

These actions and attributes of God compel me to love and serve him with all my heart, mind, and body. I suspect this is how Paul felt when he wrote: “Whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ (Philippians 3:7).  I, like Paul, will be stripped of everything one day. But I will still have God. So, my passion is to live for his glory, in response to his Lavish-Grace. It’s the least I can do since he is my eternal and infinitely effective survival kit.

In a Crisis?

Check our my blog: In a Crisis Will God Help You?

Author of Escape From The Land of If Only